Where's Pengie?
by Penguin of the People Pengo
We've gotten several emails wondering just what the heck Pengie has been up to lately instead of updating his website. Ugly rumors that Pengie was buried under Ardant's dirty laundry are completely false, he's just been doing a ton of traveling lately (at Ardant's expense). We've tracked him down and talked him into posting some travel logs online when he has time. Stay tuned!
July 20th 2004 18:00 | 0 responses | Add Comments
The Hunt for Penkie
by Stuffed Penguin Pengie
Ardant got an e-mail recently about a lost stuffed penguin. A Penkie Penguin has gone missing. Not only that, but Penkie has become quite rare now, in stores. He posted the details on the The Hunt for Penkie page in the hopes that someone has seen a Penkie in a store recently. Let us know if you've seen this elusive bird recently!
July 9th 2004 17:23 | 0 responses | Add Comments
Welcome to Pengo
by Penguin of the People Pengo
Pengo has made his grand entrance onto the scene. We'll hear from him many times in the near future. Welcome, Pengo, to Stuffed Penguins!
July 5th 2004 23:53 | 0 responses | Add Comments
Still alive and kicking...
by Penguin in Training Ardant
We're still around! The website has been moved to dune.net and therefore so much faster. Expect more, soon!
August 26th 2003 01:19 | 0 responses | Add Comments
Pengie's Blog Updated
by Stuffed Penguin Pengie
I finally convinced myself to write the second part of my programming contest adventure down. You can go read it on my blog.
March 12th 2002 23:32 | 0 responses | Add Comments
More Stuffed Penguins Cards!
by Penguin in Training Ardant
I added some more Stuffed Penguins cards! Featuring .. a not-so-edible penguin and an engineering hardhat! Get to it at the cards.
March 4th 2002 23:47 | 0 responses | Add Comments
All systems go, Happy New Year!
by Penguin in Training Ardant
I'm pleased to report that after a few small problems over the holidays, we're back up and running. The cards database is working again, so send those cards! I'll be making more cards soon. Hopefully we'll hear more from our authors in the days to come.
January 8th 2002 00:19 | 0 responses | Add Comments
More Football for your Penguin
by Staff Writer Bamf
The second and final installment of the Penguin's guide to Football has been added in the information section.
December 20th 2001 08:36 | 0 responses | Add Comments
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Pocket works on his SP blog |

... They're loud, talking excitedly, and laughing amongst themselves. This can really only mean one thing: Midterms are over ...
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